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Botanical Name: Anacardium Occidentale
Family: Anacardiaceae

Common Name: Kaaju

Part Used: Kernels

Form Available: Cashew Nuts 240, Cashew Nuts 320, Cashew Broken, Cashew Nuts LW, Cashew Flavoured Roasted.

Packing: 50g, 100g, 250g

The true fruit of the cashew tree is a kidney or boxing-glove shaped drupe that grows at the end of the accessory fruit. The drupe develops first on the tree, and then the peduncle expands into the cashew apple. Within the true fruit is a single seed, the cashew nut. Cashew nuts are the stone fruits of the cashew tree, which grows to a height of up to 12 m.

Cashew nuts are classified as:
Cashew apple:
The cashew apple, at up to 9 cm in length, is the pear-shaped, swollen, soft, shiny yellow or red, fleshy stem of the cashew nut proper. The cashew apple itself is not suitable for transport and storage.

The cashew nut:
The cashew nut is a stone fruit, which grows out of the bottom of the cashew apple, is approx. 2 - 2.5 cm long, kidney-shaped, yellowish-reddish in color and has a hard shell with a single kernel with a delicate aroma. It is removed from the cashew apple after harvesting and sun- or hot air-dried, the shell then becoming detached to reveal the kernel proper.

The cashew kernel:
This is surrounded by a fine, brown seed coat, which contains antioxidants which protect the kernel from penetration by atmospheric oxygen so preventing it from becoming rancid (oxidative rancidity).
Cashew nuts are also known as anacardium nuts. Oil content: 45 - 50%

Culinary Use
The cashew nut is a popular snack, and its rich flavor means that it is often eaten on its own, lightly salted or sugared. Cashew nuts are sold covered in chocolate, but due to their higher price compared to peanuts and almonds, cashews are not as common in candy except from higher quality manufacturers. Cashew nuts also factor in Thai cuisine and Chinese cuisine, generally in whole form, and in Indian forsine, often ground into sauces such as shahi korma, and also used as garnish in Indian sweets and desserts. The cashew nut can also be used in cheese alternatives for vegans, typically in homemade cheese recipes.